It was a beautiful Monday as BIC Farms opened its gates to receive the visit of the Deputy High Commissioner of Canada to Nigeria- Mr. Teshome Nkrumah, and the Trade Commissioner Assistant- Mrs. Benedicta Emovuon.
The meeting was to provide an opportunity to discuss a range of issues of common commercial interest to Canada and Nigeria such as food security, improving market access for agricultural products, and strategic partnerships.
The team visited the BIC Soilless Hub in Onijanganjangan area of Abeokuta, where Mr. Olayanju, the Hub Manager, received them. They had a good time taking a tour of the hub and marveled at how BIC Farms combines tradition with innovation to grow crops without soil but with locally available materials.
Next, they visited the BIC Soilless Technology Farms in Asero estate where they were warmly received by the General Manager, Mr. Dada; the Operations Manager, Mrs. Job, and other agronomists. They also saw practical demonstrations of how BIC Farms adopts technology into farming like aquaponics and hydroponics. Amongst the plants they saw and liked on the farm are Stevia, Artemisia, Chocolate mints, and some more.
We are indeed glad to have this honour and look forward to the strategic partnerships that will be birthed between the two countries.