BIC Farms Concepts | Innovation meets Tradition
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Hydroponics Technology is an old technique, dating back to about 2600 years ago. It has its roots in the hanging gardens of Babylon, one of the initial Seven Wonders of the World and the Floating Gardens of China. Though humans used these techniques thousands of years ago, the general theory behind hydroponics remains the same and modern technology enables plants to be grown even faster, stronger, and healthier.
Hydroponics is the method of growing plants without soil. Water, which contains nutrients, is used in place of soil and that explains why it is also called Soilless farming
Consequently, the plants are grown in this nutrient solution with or without the use of an artificial medium, such as sand, gravel, vermiculite, rockwool, perlite, peat moss, old rubber tires, coir and expanded clay aggregates, to provide mechanical support.
The nutrient solution is what actually makes the hydroponics technology what it is.
The minerals that the plant needs, like nitrogen, potassium, calcium, etc., are dissolved into the water. This is then watered directly to the plants. Hence, the plants draw these essential minerals from the water used to feed them, as opposed to having to search throughout the soil for them. The heart of hydroponic farming is the nutrient solution.
With Mineral and Allied’s hydroponic systems, the soil is not required for the growth of fodder and vegetable crops, thus allowing them to be resilient to climate change and grow faster. Hydroponic technology methods are more efficient and allow for higher amounts of production than traditional field farming. For example, with hydroponics technology, one can grow fodder in just seven days as opposed to twelve weeks and vegetables
Despite the fact that there are lots of advantages to using the technology of hydroponics farming, it is not without its own downsides.
Plant roots need three major things for growth to occur. These are Water (moisture), nutrients and Oxygen. How these three things are delivered to the plant roots is what distinguishes one hydroponic system from the other. In deciding on the right hydroponics system to use, one has to consider if the need is for home use or commercial structures. There are seven main types of hydroponics systems.
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BIC Farms Concepts | Innovation meets Tradition
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